Just Say No #SundaySelfie

Hello Sunday! We are so excited to once again be participating in the #SundaySelfie. Unfortunately, Frosty was not as happy as we were and did not want to cooperate today!

Even when we gave her time to make herself beautiful and brushed she just kept saying NO!

SoPurrfect Just Say No SundaySelfie

Even when she was sitting on her favourite windowsill didn’t change her mind. She just didn’t want anything to do with the camera at all.

SoPurrfect Just Say No SundaySelfie1

Eventually, we took the hint and stopped trying as she was not going to even look at the camera after the third attempt!

SoPurrfect Just Say No SundaySelfie2

Instead, we hope you like our Selfie Poem:

I am… a fluffy cat
I understand… that humans control the food
I worry… when my human’s leave me at home alone
I am… a loving cat
I dream about… catnip
I wonder… what the humans do all night
I try… to jump on top of shelves
I want… to sleep without the camera taking photos
I am… a fluffy cat

We’re joining our friends at The Cat on My Head for the Sunday Selfies blog hop.


Meow for now… Kristian

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