How Can I Keep My Cat Out of My Baby’s Crib?

Cats are curious creatures, and sometimes they can feel tempted to investigate new human arrivals. However, there are many reasons to keep your cats away from your baby’s cot. In this article, you will find out all that you need to know about why cats and babies should be kept apart and how to keep cats out of your baby’s cot.

Why is keeping cats out of baby’s cot for the best?

Firstly, cats can cause scratches and other injuries to babies, even if they do not mean to. Cats can bite or scratch in play and if a curious baby grabs their tail or cries loudly at them, your cat may well react by scrabbling around in the cot with their claws or biting at your baby’s fingers. Obviously, this is not a desirable situation! So, it is a very good idea to ensure that your cat does not get in to baby’s cot in the first place.

Another reason why cats should not be allowed into your baby’s cot is that cats can spread diseases. Kittens, for instance, are very often hosts for the bartonella virus which can cause sickness and digestive issues in humans – particularly in vulnerable humans such as young babies. Cats can also play host to fleas, mites that cause skin infections, worms and other parasites that can leave your baby worse for wear. In short, if you want to keep your baby safe from germs, bacteria and viruses then it is definitely a good idea to stop your cat from playing in their cot.
So, how do you do this? Just read on to find out.

Keeping cats out of baby’s cot: four simple tips.

Below you will find four easy to follow tips for keeping your cat out of your baby’s cot. It’s so easy when you know how!

1. Set up barriers.

Physical barriers such as guards all around the cot, climb proof buffers placed around the sides of the cot and even high, smooth sides to the cot that are very difficult for a cat to climb will all deter your beloved feline companion from jumping in to your baby’s cot. In addition, it is a very good idea to give your cat the idea that they are not even allowed into the same room as your baby. Turn the door to the nursery (if you have one) into a barrier that your cat is not accustomed to crossing. Keep the door shut and tell your kitty firmly whenever they try to enter that ‘No’ they must not do so.

2. Distract your cat.

Cats find any kind of novelty interesting – even if they feel shy at first they will want to check it out. So, try distracting your cat with a new toy (preferably loaded with catnip so that they can think of nothing else!) or a play session. Give them some extra petting sessions so that they do not feel neglected on account of the new baby. There are plenty of things you can do to make your cat feel like the center of attention in no time – they will forget about jumping into your baby’s cot after a few minutes of playing with that new catnip toy or being given a paw massage by their doting owner.

3. Use water deterrents.

Fill a cleaned spray bottle (the kind used for misting house plants is perfect) with plain water and use it to gently spray your cat whenever they approach the baby’s cot. This water will act as a firm but not harmful deterrent that discourages your kitty from climbing up into that cozy cot. It usually only takes a few sprays for your cat to get the message that they should not get into the cot.

4. Give your cat its own cozy cot to sleep in.

Sometimes, a cat will jump into a baby’s cot quite simply because they are seeking a nice warm place to sleep. So why not make your cat their own little cot so that they will not get jealous of baby? Purchase them a cat bed or simply fill an old wooden crate with soft blankets and your cat will be as happy as can be in their own snug little nest that they will have no desire to jump into that cot! Just follow our easy DIY steps for a cat tent.


Do you have any other ideas?