SoPurrfect Your Pet Could Die If You Don't Have This Information Quickly

Your Pet Could Die If You Don’t Have This Information Quickly

Having your pet’s emergency information quickly available, could be the difference between life and death because the sad truth is that your pet could die if you don’t have this information quickly.

My cats are family, they are my little loved ones, and just like children they need looking after, sometimes in an emergency. Whether it’s getting into mischief, hurting themselves or falling ill, it’s important that we have access to their health care information in an emergency….and quickly.
We often have all the information in our heads, spread around in papers and folders, or on phones which is great, but… if you need it in a hurry and you’re not available when your cat needs medical help in an emergency it can take too long to access this information precious time that could save their life.


It could be the difference between life and death

It’s important to have this emergency information available to anyone and everyone quickly and easily.
If you’re like me the fridge is a great place to keep all the important stuff you need to access on short notice and often a place where people will look first if you’re not available. Quick and easy is the key, something you can grab off the fridge as you’re heading out the door. Lets hope you never need it but better to be safe than sorry.
Here at SoPurrfect I have put together a cat emergency contact template you can download, fill in, print and place in an obvious and easily accessed place.
I recommend keeping a copy on your computer and updating it regularly. You never know when you may need it. At my house this important document is kept in the cloud as well as on the fridge, this allows me to access it anywhere, anytime just incase I need to email or send it to someone in an emergency.
It’s also important if you are going away on a holiday or someone is pet sitting for you to have this information available: quickly and easily.


Meow for now… Kristian Taylor

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